My Pet is Lost
Losing a pet is a traumatic experience. The best thing you can do is act quickly to try to find your pet.
View photos of New Intakes Page.
Check photos of Available Dogs and Available Cats.
Visit ALL Victor Valley animal shelters in person to look for your pet, not just the shelter in the jurisdiction where you reside. Pets can travel a long distance in a short amount of time, ending up in a different jurisdiction and shelter.
Submit a Lost Pet Report at all Victor Valley Animal Shelters
Post on lost pet social media sites
Put flyers up where your pet was lost.
To Make an Appointment to look for your pet:
Call (760) 247-2102
Email info@vvapl.org
Days: Tuesday – Saturday
Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Victor Valley Animal Resources:
Town of Apple Valley Animal Shelter
22131 Powhatan Road
Apple Valley, CA 92308
(760) 240-7555
Hesperia Animal Shelter
11011 Santa Fe Ave E
Hesperia, CA 92345
(760) 247-1700
Unincorporated areas, such as Phelan, Oak Hills, Wrightwood,
and Lucerne Valley (760) 240-7555
Adelanto Animal Care & Control (760) 246-2301
Victorville Animal Care & Control (760) 955-5089
Hesperia Animal Care & Control (760) 247-1700